Change jurisdiction of a pending or deactivated user registration

Completion of the following form is required to obtain a User ID.

Information collected on this form is used to administer the cap-and-trade program.

After completing this form, pressing the "Register" button at the bottom of the form will take you to the Terms and Conditions. Upon acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, your registration information and acceptance are electronically submitted to the Jurisdiction Registrar. The electronic submission must be supported by additional printed and signed or downloaded and E-signed proof of identity documents that are submitted via postal mail or electronically to the Registrar for approval. You will be provided instructions on what to do when you complete the Terms and Conditions.

Note: Your password must be at least ten characters in length and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one numeral, and one special character.

* = Required field

Change jurisdiction of a pending or deactivated user registration:

This option provides a process for a CITSS user with a pending or deactivated CITSS user registration in a jurisdiction that is no longer in the program to request to move their existing pending or deactivated user registration to a new jurisdiction by changing the “Jurisdiction of User Registration”.

This process allows the new jurisdiction to locate your existing user profile for review and approval. Please ensure your First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth correctly matches your valid government-issued documentation. This information is used for profile matching purposes and not intended to create a new user registration.

Users requesting to change their jurisdiction of registration must meet the new jurisdiction’s user requirements and submit required user documentation. The new jurisdiction Registrar will review the submitted materials before approving or denying a request to change the jurisdiction of user registration. The user registration remains in the existing jurisdiction until the new jurisdiction accepts or denies the request.

Once the new jurisdiction approves the change in jurisdiction, the new jurisdiction will direct the user to review and update their CITSS User Profile with current information.

By selecting the checkbox below, I am sharing my CITSS user profile with a new jurisdiction and I consent to the disclosure of all the personal information submitted in my application to be a registered CITSS User, including, but not limited to, my name, address and date of birth, to the new jurisdiction for the purposes of requesting to change my jurisdiction of CITSS user registration. I understand that my consent to disclose the above-referenced information is permitted under applicable laws of the jurisdiction in which I initially registered as a CITSS user.

Primary Residence
Mailing Address
Login Information
Security Questions